Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 276 - Bull

We went to a festival at a local winery today.  Before I go too much further, SC does not have the climate for wine. The only grapes that will grow are muscadine grapes that are super sweet and translate into sugary wine.  We don't go to this winery for the wine, but their annual "Blessing of the Vines" festival is pretty fun.  We don't go every year but make our way out there when the festival works for our schedule. We did have some wine while we were there, but it was only because no other booze was offered for sale.

This year's festival featured a mechanical bull. Bull rides were $5 and benefitted the local elementary school. Kind of funny since mechanical bulls really only belong in bars, but we went with it (as did a lot of other festival-goers).  All walks of life rode the bull - a grandpa being cheered on by his grandkids, a bachelorette in a dress (we saw London, we saw France, we all saw her underpants), and Henry.

Henry is pretty much up for anything so he rode the mechanical bull with gusto. The operator took it easy on him until the end when he was promptly bucked off.  The bachelorette in her dress and sash was a much better sport than I would have been in that situation.  I would have told my friends to take a hike, but she begrudgingly rode the bull and flashed the festival.

Other than that, it was a very family-friendly event, and we had a lot of fun.

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