Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 246 - Tough

Today was a tough day emotionally.  I am prepared for tough days and have some good coping mechanisms to help work through they, but they are still notably tough.  I am in a strange place of wanting to move forward but not being able to do so yet. 

I also think that October, in general, is going to be a hard month for me as time wears on.  Things that I have seen thus far in October range from absolutely ridiculous posts about saving "boobies" to the names and pictures of women and men who have died from metastatic breast cancer. 

This was posted in my Breast Cancer Survivor Facebook group:

The normal boobs ( . )( . ), the silicone boobs ( + )( + ), the perfect boobs (o)(o). Some boobs are cold (^)(^), and some boobs belong to grandmothers \./\./ And let’s not forget the very large boobs (o Y o), and very small boobs (.)(.), and lastly the asymmetrical boobs (•)(.). We love them all!...
Post this message on your wall and say ┌П┐(◉_◉)┌П┐ to Breast Cancer!!! Save the boobies.

All members of this group are breast cancer survivors (hence the name), and it BLOWS MY MIND that a breast cancer survivor could be so ignorant.  I try not to engage with these types of posts because there is no point, but come on.   

On the stark other hand, a Facebook friend is posting the name of someone that she personally knew who died from breast cancer every day in October.  She started with members of her family. Her posts are hard to see but important to read.  Breast Cancer Awareness Month should not focus on "boobies" or pink everything.  We should be reminded of those who have gone before us, and it should encourage us to want to do more. 

I want to do more. I'm going to do more, but I will still have tough days. 

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