Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 15 - The Big Chill...

...or not.  I've decided to not use the cold caps that I posted about a few days ago during my chemo treatments.  Apparently they are the least effective with my chemo regimen (4 rounds of AC followed by 4 rounds of taxol), and they just seem so logistically difficult on top of everything else that I will be going through.  Plus, using them will require me to stay in the hospital for an additional 3 (+/-) hours after each chemo treatment.  I have a feeling that my toxic self will be RUNNING out of the cancer center every other Tuesday at the earliest possible moment.  Well, maybe running.  Can one really run right after chemo?  If I can, I will.

My dear friend, who also happens to be my hair stylist, did some research on wigs for me today, and he has come up with some good options.  He took on something that seemed so overwhelming to me, and I am very grateful for that.  I trust his judgement with my hair (and with my fake hair) implicitly so will basically just do what he says.  I will also be sure to give him credit, as requested, anytime someone compliments my TBD wig.  Don't tell him that I may just wear a baseball cap some days.

I had my first echocardiogram today (so many firsts lately), and I am proud to report that my ticker is strong enough for chemo.  Apparently the echo technician, Lisa, and I will see each other often during this process.

Otherwise, I seem to be healing well from yesterday's surgery. I am a bit sore but no worse for the wear. I can take the bandages off and see what we're really working with tomorrow.  I promise that I will take no pictures.

My power port packet (say that 5 times fast) came with a handy purple silicone bracelet. The patient info flyer recommended wearing the purple bracelet so that I don't forget that I have the port.  Useful AND fashionable.  I like that.  Pretty sure that I won't forget about something that is poking out of my chest. I gave Henry the bracelet, and he was delighted.

Chemo education tomorrow.  Getting ready to pack my multi-colored pens and notebook.

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