Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 6 - The MRI

Had my first MRI today, and that was quite the experience.  It is very strange to be inside of a very noisy tube, and I had to be really still for about 30 minutes.  Thankfully, I was face-down in the tube, and I think that made it easier to be still. It is hard to be perfectly still..my shoulders started shaking at the end.  Maybe I should have not worked out last night.

The MRI technicians said that they got all of the images that they need, and I will get the results when I meet with my oncologist on Thursday.  More waiting.

Favorite part, hands down, of the MRI appointment was when the technician was going through paperwork and asked "do you have any implants."  I just looked down at my chest and laughed.  She did too after she paused at my inappropriateness.  Cancer or no cancer, I still have the sense of humor of a 12-year old boy.

I heard from a few more people today, which continues to be wonderful. The support has been absolutely astounding.

Otherwise, I was much less weepy today.  I think that I only cried twice. The headache continues which I attribute to stress, crying, a drastic reduction in calorie consumption (I really have to force myself to eat), and jaw clenching. I guess some tension is to be expected after receiving a cancer diagnosis.

I have no doctor's appointments tomorrow and would actually like to not talk to any medical professionals all day tomorrow. My uninvited friend will be with me all day, but maybe I can avoid talking about it as much.

PS: Typing this on my ipad which does not seem to be spell-checking as I go. Please forgive any typos. I will have to look at the post again from my work computer because I hate typos.  I hate cancer more, but I really do hate typos.

1 comment:

  1. "I hate cancer more, but I really do hate typos." Laughed out loud. You're still you! :)
