Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 21 - A Bit Barfy

A friend of mine coined the term, barfy.  It is a very high-tech science-based term that means one's stomach is just not quite right but he/she is not necessarily barfing.  I anticipate that it will be in the newest edition of Webster's Dictionary. To use it in a sentence, "I feel a little bit barfy."

When I went to bed last night (after I finished yesterday's post), I started to feel a bit more nauseous than I had all day.  I took some of the medicine that I have and went to bed to sleep it off.  I slept ok, but I did feel like I had a big brick in my stomach all night.  I think that it partially has to do with the fact that I ate too much lunch yesterday afternoon.  I didn't eat any more than pre-chemo Nancy would have eaten, but it seems as though small light meals are going to be the key here.

Also, thank goodness for anti-nausea medicine.  I will take it as necessary.  No hero here!

Still had the same barfy feeling this morning, but it was not too terrible.  I was able to drink a cup of coffee so I know that things aren't too off. Thank goodness for ginger ale and crackers. As much as I would like to be eating fruits, veggies and meats right now, I don't think that is in the cards for the time being.  As I progress through treatment, I will probably be able to pinpoint when the side effects will hit me the worst.

When I was setting up chemo treatments with my oncologist, I asked for him to schedule me for a day during the week that would allow me to "feel the least amount of bad" for the weekend so that I can have better quality time with Henry and Mike.   He smiled and said "Tuesday it is."  So I am optimistic that my stomach will chill over the next few days. The nurses even said that the nausea should not last more than 3 days. 

I looked out of my office window during the day today and saw a bright red cardinal.  Cardinals can stand for the hope, love, cheer, pride, focus, energy, and renewal, among many other things.  Fitting on a day like today. Maybe I am reading too far into symbols and signs, but I don't think that I am.

Went to the doctor to get a Neulasta shot.  The injection should help my body regenerate white blood cells between chemo treatments. Apparently bone aches and pains can be a side effect, but OTC Claritin can help with that so I will add Claritin to the pill regimen. 

My face was really red and flushed all day, which lead me to take my temperature several times.  No fever, just rosy red cheeks I suppose.  I was also pretty tired today, especially in the afternoon.  I had to stand up from my desk chair several times just to keep from putting my head down and falling asleep.  

I should be doctor free until Tuesday, March 10.  Fingers crossed (I hate when people say that).

The Great Hair Loss of 2015 should be underway within the next two weeks.  I am still not sure how I will feel about that.  Probably sad, but it is going to happen, and I am going to have to deal with it.  It's only hair.  My main issue with losing my hair is that I just don't want people to look at me and feel sorry for me.  Don't pity me.  Someone said to me "People don't pay attention to anyone but themselves so no one will even notice."  Maybe that is true, but I think that people will notice even if I have a hat on.  Who knows, my bald head will help inspire someone who has been or is going through a similar journey.  
I saw someone in my general age bracket for the first time when I went to the oncologist's office for my shot today.  She looked to be in her 30s and was smiling and knitting while waiting for her chemo treatment.  She was very beautiful, very bald, and looked very peaceful while going through whatever she was facing.  She does not realize this, but she inspired me today. 

I was pretty worthless tonight, I'll admit.  Thank goodness for Mike.  He has really been so wonderful during this whole process..of course he has, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention it every once in a while.  This journey has already brought us closer together and has given us new time to spend together that we would not have otherwise had.  We've also kept things as light as possible around here and during appointments which really makes a huge difference. I love to laugh and joke around, and he makes me laugh every day.  Bright side. 

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