Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day 217 - Pout

I'll admit that today was not my favorite.  I was a little pouty (so attractive) all day and was a little sad.  It seems as though the bad news is outweighing the good news these days as it relates to others that I know, and that makes my heart hurt.  Several members of my TNBC Facebook group have been re-diagnosed at stage IV, and that news is such a tough pill to swallow.  It has been weighing on me heavily.

Compound that with being OVER daily radiation appointments and some other stressors in life, and I just kind of lost it this afternoon.  Things are tense, I am tense, and it just all spilled over today.  I am also not sleeping very well which certainly does not help matters.

Of course, I am and will be totally fine, but we're all allowed not so great days, and today was one for me.  I hesitated to post this because I don't want anyone to think that I am sitting here wallowing in a puddle of sad because I am not, but I've always been honest on this blog, and that is something that I intend to continue.

I allowed myself to have a bad day. Now, onward!

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