Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 236 - Nerd

I can admit, without shame, that I am a bit of a space nerd.  For as long as I can remember, I have loved watching shuttle launches, and I always get excited about any kind of major space event or finding.  Last night's lunar eclipse was no exception.  I wrote the timing of the eclipse down earlier in the week so that I did not forget and kept my fingers crossed for no cloud cover.  It was cloudy for most of the day and well into the evening so I was not optimistic.

I went out at around 9:30pm to assess the situation, and I was delighted that I could see the moon. The eclipse had started, and I saw the moon slowly start to fade away each time I went outside to check.  The clouds picked back up right as the full eclipse started to take place so I was only able to see the full eclipse/blood moon in small shadowy pieces, but I was so happy to see some of it.  There is something so mesmerizing about these types of things, and I'll look forward to seeing such an event again in 18 years.

Also - evidence of liquid water on Mars! How exciting.

I had my last full-field radiation treatment today.  They treatment room was running about 1.5 hours behind which made me even more excited to be near the finish line of these treatments.  I ended up leaving to run a quick errand and switch cars with Mike during the delay, and I still sat in the lounge area for quite a while.

The area under my left arm started to get pretty angry sometime yesterday.  It's very red and a bit raw so I am happy that I will not have any more treatment to that area. The radiation field will be much smaller for my last 5 zaps.

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