Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Day 154 - Growth

This is not going to be a post about personal, spiritual, professional, or emotional growth.  It's even better - my eyelashes are growing back!  As I was putting on makeup to go out to dinner this evening, I noticed some teeny tiny eyelashes sprouting up.   I could not see them until I got a mirror very close to my eye, but they are there.  My eye brows are taking a wee bit longer, but I am sure that they will catch up soon.  The peach fuzz on my head seems to be growing in a little bit more too, but it hard to really tell since I attempt to analyze and measure its growth at least 4 times a day.  I am so excited.

I went out to dinner with some friends tonight, and Mike hosted daddy daycare at our house.  One friend is moving so a few of us went out to dinner as a little farewell.  She has two boys around the same age as Henry, and Mike offered to have them here to play with Henry while we went out to dinner.  No doubt that Henry loved every minute of it.  He is very social and loves getting together with his friends. 

I am starting to get a little bit anxious about my surgery next week, but that is a post for a different time.  There will be plenty of time for anxiety between now and next Friday.  The anxiety is not related to the actual procedure as much as it is related to the results of the procedure.  More on that another day.

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