Thursday, August 6, 2015

Day 183 - Allergy

I think that chemo kept me from suffering from allergies in the spring.  I've had horrible seasonal allergies for as long as I can remember, but the pollen did not affect me at all this year.  I can only attribute it to chemo (a perk, perhaps).  I am making up for it now, though.

I am not experiencing nose issues, but my ears are giving me all kinds of problems.  I saw a doctor for my ears last week, and she said "I can tell that you have chronic allergies. You've got fluid in your ears that will go away eventually."  She also suggested that my ear pressure/fulness could be related to chemo, but I highly doubt it.  I'm all for blaming things on chemo, but I don't think it is the culprit in this situation.

That doctor's advice was not terribly helpful, and I am not one to wait around for "eventually" so I have been trying a few things to try to relieve the pressure in my ears.  I was taking Zyrtec but hated how it made me feel so have moved to more natural remedies.  I've been trying some massage techniques and a selection of essential oils.  I cannot feel a difference yet but endeavor to keep trying.

If my home remedies do not work, I suppose that I will go see an ENT, but I don't really want to add another doctor to my rolodex.

Other than my fascinating tales of allergy-related issues, today was pretty low-key.  Henry's school was closed today and is closed again tomorrow to prepare for the new school year that starts on Monday so Mike and Henry spent the day together.  They cashed in on the water park rain check from last weekend and had a good time playing at the water park.

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