Friday, August 7, 2015

Day 184 - Laughter

I try to fill my days with as much laughter as possible, and I have always been that way.  Sometimes I laugh when I am uncomfortable, sometimes when I am nervous, sometimes amid tears, but most of the time I laugh with joy.

I laughed a lot today.  Henry's school was closed again so he and Mike did a bunch of random things throughout the day and spent some time at home.  I walked the dog during my lunch break, and Henry asked if he could come with us on his bike.  He's a decent  bike rider, but I will not let him out of my sight because he does not always pay attention to cars on the road (kind of a problem).  Because I was slower on foot than he on wheels, I gave him boundaries in the form of mailboxes.  I let him get ahead of me by 5 mailboxes at a time, and he accepted his boundaries with gusto.  He would count each mailbox that he passed at the top of his lungs, and I laughed heartily during each chorus of "ONE...TWO...THREE...FOUR...FIVE."

His enthusiasm is contagious and just delightful. 

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