Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 200 - Bobble

Day 200 is going to be a bit of a rant.  I found out that, as part of the breast cancer awareness portion of last night's Charleston Riverdogs baseball game, the team was giving out breast bobble heads (It was not really a bobble head since there was no head.  It was a pair of breasts in a pink bra that bobbled).  Our local newspaper featured a picture of the "bobbleboobs" as they were called.

I find this to be pretty offensive and am VERY glad that I did not participate as their token breast cancer survivor by throwing out the first pitch for last night's game.  Breast cancer is not cute.  It's not about "boobs."  It's a life-threatening illness.

Imagine the following - colon bobble heads, testicle bobble heads, liver bobble heads, lung bobble heads, ovary bobble heads, and brain bobble heads to bring "awareness" to cancers that affect those areas of the body.  You can't, right?  Maybe sports teams could hand out stuffed colostomy bags for colon cancer awareness.  Perhaps stores could sell stuffed bones for bone cancer awareness.

How ridiculous would all of those items be?  How ridiculous are "bobbleboobs?" Metastatic breast cancer kills approximately 108 women EACH DAY.  When breast cancer metastasizes, the "boobs" aren't even a factor anymore.  Breast cancer is only deadly when it leaves the "boob" and affects distant organs.  As I've said before, awareness has been achieved.  We are all aware of breast cancer.  Think how much could be done if organizations devoted time and financial resources to funding research instead of manufacturing stupid toys.

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