Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 44 - Spring

Spring is a time of regeneration, renewal, and regrowth.  It is also a time of intense pollen here in Charleston, but thankfully it has not affected me as badly this year as it usually does.  I am getting a break! Surely it is because of all of the drugs in my system, but I will take it.  At least I am not barfy and sneezing my head off.

My Spring is going to happen during the Summer this year.  It is very much Fall for me right now, and that is ok.  The seasons are just a bit off for me this year just as other things are a bit off.  I'll enjoy the beauty of nature's Spring and will look forward to my own in a few months.

I feel much better today than I did earlier in the week, and I am very grateful to be back to myself for the weekend.  I dread the aftershocks of next week's chemo already but am going to try to put it out of my mind for the time being and just enjoy time with family this weekend. 

Today was a good day.  Very normal in all ways.  I even went to go get our taxes done...some things will never change.

Keeping it short today as I don't have too much to say.

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