Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 103 - The Boys are Back in Town

Mike and Henry got back from Virginia this afternoon, and I am SO glad for them to be home.  Like a good little blogger, I did not announce their absence on the world wide web, but it was strange not talking about them being away all week.  My mom was here with me Monday-Saturday, and I was solo for two nights.  I had very mixed emotions about Mike and Henry going away without me and was mainly just sad to not see them for a whole week.  I've been away from them for a week at a time many times, but it has always been me away vs. them.  The house was so quiet that it was almost eerie at times.

I was able to get a lot of rest last week, and my mom spoiled me rotten...completely rotten.  She made sure that I had everything that I could possibly need and more, and we also got so spend some rare time together which was very nice.  We talked a lot, laughed a lot, and she took me to my many appointments last week.  She got to meet all of the wonderful nurses who are taking great care of me and got to see Dr. Keogh and his nurse again (she was with me for my first oncologist appointment).  I am so glad that she was here.  I'll never say that I am grateful for being ill, but I am grateful that she and I got to spend time together that we would not have otherwise had. 

Henry came home with some new bling in the form of a temporary cast and sling on his right arm.  He fractured his elbow last night right before bedtime. Mike did not know that it was fractured until Henry woke up in pain around 10pm, and he saw that his elbow was really swollen.  They went to the ER, and x-rays confirmed a fracture.  Henry is not in pain and is in good spirits, and we have an appointment to take him for a more permanent cast tomorrow.  He's pretty fascinated by doctors and hospitals so this is really right up his alley, and he is really thinking hard about what color cast he might like to have.  I am hopeful that they can put him in a waterproof cast or at least give us a waterproof sleeve for him so that we can go to the beach this weekend.  He'll be restricted from some activities, but I don't see this cramping his style too much.  He's a tough cookie.

I was very sad not to be there for Henry last night, but I would have felt as helpless as Mike did so there was not really anything I could have done other than offer extra hugs and kisses.  Mike, Grandma and Papa had the situation well under control. 

I would really like for 2015 to start heading in the more positive direction.  I'll be honest.  Yes, lots of positives are happening with my treatment, and I hope that trend will continue all the way to a complete response.  If that is going to be the big positive of 2015, then I can wait.  Do you hear me, universe?!

I had to get a crown re-cemented at the dentist this afternoon which was pretty uneventful.  I had been feeling it wiggle for a while, and they confirmed that it was loose when I was in for a recent cleaning.  I used to have bad dental-related fears and still do for major work...bring on the sedation.  The combination of a really wonderful dental hygienist/dentist and my recent medical adventures have minimized some of my phobia, but I still stand by the opinion that sharp metal objects should not be anywhere near my teeth.  I mean, how does poking someone's tooth with a razor sharp instrument even sound ok to anyone?

The boys got home right around 4pm, and I gave them both huge hugs and kisses and wrapped up work right at 5 so that I could spend time with them.  One of our really good friends came over for dinner tonight at 7.  I had not seen him since he cut my hair last so a visit was very long overdue.  I made braised Korean short ribs which were a big hit.

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