Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 111 - Cards

I've saved every card that I've gotten since February (I have hoarding tendencies) because they have all meant so much to me.  I am not sure if I will ever go back and re-read them, but I can't let myself part with them either.  The beautifully written words of support, kindness, love and strength have gotten me through some some really hard times.  Part of me will want to put this whole nightmare behind me at one point (even the really wonderful parts), but another part of me will want to hold onto these incredible displays of love forever.

It's amazing how impactful words can be.  I've always had an appreciation for the written word and enjoy both sending and receiving hand-written cards.  I am woefully behind on thank you notes that I need to send to people, but hopefully everyone understands.  Woefully behind though.

Henry was supposed to see the doctor to have his arm looked at, but there was an incident on the largest bridge in town that basically shut down parts of Charleston. Henry's appointment was on the other side of town, and they would have had to cross the bridge so we rescheduled.  They will go tomorrow morning.

The crown that I had re-cemented last week came off as I was eating a piece of deli turkey this evening.  What the heck?  I had a feeling that it was loose again, and that was confirmed as I almost broke another tooth when biting down on it.  Hopefully the dentist can see me tomorrow. I hope that they just did not get the crown back on the right way vs. my needing a new crown. Crowns are expensive, and my dental insurance is not so wonderful.  I actually got a statement of benefits saying that the insurance covered $2.50 of the $105 re-cementing fee from last week.  $2.50!  Why bother?

I sound like a crazy person, but I just have to laugh about my tooth.  It is way in the back so no one can see that it is missing.  Oh 2015...

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