Friday, May 1, 2015

Day 86 - Beach

The beach has always been one of my favorite places.  There is something so peaceful about the sounds and sights of the beach - the waves crashing, the wind blowing, and looking out into infinity (or so it seems).  In recent years, the sounds of delight as a little boy plays on the beach have made me love the beach even more.  Henry loves to run on the beach, play in the water, dig holes, look at any creatures that have washed up on the sand, and jump in the waves.  I love doing all of that with him.

I took the day off today, and we spent a few hours on the beach.  It was too cold today to be in bathing suits and go in the water, but Henry, Ben and I walked on the beach and played.  I also enjoyed a few quite moments looking out into the ocean and letting the cool(ish) breeze blow all around me.  It was very peaceful and soothing.  We also found a lot of creatures to investigate.  There was a horseshoe crab shell on the beach that was about 2 feet long..biggest one that I have ever seen, and there were a lot of jellyfish and shells to see.

We also went for a brief bike ride while we were out at the beach.  Henry is getting very good on his bike, but his goose was cooked at the end of the ride. He needed a lot of coaxing to finish the last block of our journey.  It makes sense, though. For every one of my pedal strokes, he makes 3 or 4 so he is working hard.

I had to get some blood work done this morning and see the nurse.  Thankfully everything looks normal, and I've been released from medical care for the next week.  My white blood cell count was very high which means that my body has bounced back well from the last round of chemo (and that the neulasta worked).  I've been cleared to go to the dentist on Monday.  As a friend pointed out, it is funny that I have worked so hard to try to go to the dentist.  I've not traditionally been fond of going to the dentist (and that is a huge understatement).  I just do not feel like sharp metal instruments should ever be near one's teeth. I shudder just thinking about it.  Chemo is really hard on teeth, though, and mine are not so great to begin with so I am trying to stay on top of things.  Plus, I really like my dentist and hygienist, and they put up with my crazy and humor me by being extra careful during cleanings.

When I was talking to the nurse today, I asked her if I could have some preemptive fluids the day after my next chemo when I come in for my neulasta injection.  If dehydration was an issue during the last round, I'd like to try to ward off any issues.  She said that I could so I will plan to get an IV of fluids and my neulasta on May 13.

Today was a wonderful day, and I am so happy that I got to spend it with Henry, Mike and Ben.

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