Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Day 91 - Babysitter

When I was in middle school and high school, I spent a lot of time babysitting.  A lot.  I mostly babysat within our neighborhood but ventured out some once I got a little bit older and was able to drive myself to gigs.  The kids that I watched the most lived right across the street from us.  When they moved in, their oldest was 4-years old, and their youngest was 3-weeks old (!).  On the day that they moved in, I walked over, introduced myself, and basically kidnapped their kids.  It was love at first sight.

I spent a lot of time with them, and some of my happiest memories include that family.  I joined them on vacations, picked their kids up from school/daycare, stayed weekends at their house while their parents went away, spent countless hours at the neighborhood pool, watched A LOT of Power Rangers and Barney, made "the best" boxed macaroni and cheese, read a lot of bedtime stories, and had lots of snuggles with some of the best kids I have ever known.

Those kids are real grown ups now, but part of me will always see them as an imaginative and bright little boy and a sweet and very smart curly-haired little girl.  I have watched them both grow up and turn into incredible young adults.  Their entire family is an extension of my own, and they are still a big part of my life even though we don't get to see each other very often.  They were among some of the first that I told about  my diagnosis, and I know that they are keeping very close tabs on me as I navigate my way through these scary waters.

I got to see 3/4 of the family today!  Their son is off doing great things in another state, but the others were in Charleston today, and we got together for lunch. It was so fun to sit and catch up for a little while.  Although we all still live fairly close to each other, everyday life keep us from seeing each other too much.

I may or may not have cried writing some of the post above (please see yesterday's post about being extra emotional right now).  It's nice to sit down and think about sweet memories, and doing that sometimes brings out a tear or two. Happens to the best of us.

Speaking of sweet, Henry and I had some serious cuddles on the couch after dinner tonight.  He's a professional smuggler, and I will take every one that I can get.  He will also walk up to me and randomly give me kisses.  It is very sweet and makes me smile every time. He's such a great kid.  I am lucky to be his mom.

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