Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 89 - Busy

I had another day off today, which was really nice, but it turned out to be a really busy day.  Mike took Henry duty this morning so I was able to sleep in a little bit if you consider 8:30 to be late (I do).  I moved from the bed to the couch until about 10, and then the day just took off.

Mike and I went for a 5 mile bike ride which was nice.  I was huffing and puffing by the end though, and I think it is because I was trying to keep up with Mike.  He is naturally more athletic than me so I always have to work a little bit harder to keep up with him even when we are just walking.  I walked the dog after that, got cleaned up, and ran to the grocery store for a few quick items.

I had to do a quick work call at 1pm (so I guess I had all but 30 minutes of today off) then headed to the dentist.  My dentist's office knew about my diagnosis in advance because I warned them that I may have to cancel my appointment after my blood work on Friday.  I walked in, and my hygienist whisked me away immediately, and we spent a little while talking.  I adore my dental hygienist. She and I are the same age, have a lot in common, and spend as much time as we can chatting at each appointment.  She is also exceedingly gentle and patient as it relates to my dental fears.  I've been seeing her for a while and won't see anyone else in the office.  She asked me to tell her about my diagnosis, and she had tears in her eyes while I did (and I teared up a few times too).  She said that she was tempted to call me the other day when she found out, but was afraid that I would find that weird.  I would not was a very nice thought.  She has a strong family history of breast cancer and has heard stories like mine from her loved ones so I think that my diagnosis hit her extra hard.  Both her mother and aunt are breast cancer survivors and she is very vigilant because of that.

One of my dental crowns is loose so I have to go back in a few weeks to have it re-cemented, and I have to do a few more procedures post-chemo.  Otherwise, I got a clean bill of dental health.  The dentist gave me some extra-flordiated toothpaste to use during chemo to help protect my teeth and also gave me a few tips to try to keep my teeth as healthy as possible.  Chemo really drys out the mouth which leads to tooth issues...the gift that keeps on giving.

After the dentist, I ran in one store to kill a few min, and picked up Henry to take him to a doctor appointment.  He's fine but has a little rash on the back of his neck that we wanted them to check out. The doctor was convinced that he has strep throat because of the rash, but the strep test came back negative.  We were sent home with an antibiotic to be safe, but the mystery rash seems harmless.  Henry has only had antibiotics a few times in his life so I am ok giving him one now even though there is no clear reason to do so.  If he was always being pumped with antibiotics for one reason or another, I would be more resistant to adding one without compelling evidence of need.  Since my immune system is compromised, I want to keep Henry as healthy as possible.

I was exhausted by the time we finally got home this evening.  Today was not the most relaxing day off, but it was nice to have the time to do random things without worrying about taking vacation or sick time from work.

Back to the grind tomorrow.  I've got lots of people to talk to about the show. Recaps galore.

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