Saturday, May 9, 2015

Day 94 - A Mighty Wind

Tropical Storm Ana has brought us some wind and rain on and off during the day today. It was particularly windy when I was out for a bike ride this morning, and I had to work extra hard.  I was really huffing and puffing trying to keep moving through the wind.  I also ended up riding a bit longer than I intended because a group of turkey vultures was having its way with some carcass along the bike path (as a reminder, Deliverance).  The last time I ran across vultures, I kept riding toward them and they scattered, but some of them got so close to me that it freaked me out. Those birds are huge and creepy.  I was not risking going near them today so detoured and got in an extra mile or so on my bike.

I also walked the dog before any real weather came our way.  We spent a good part of the day taking care of errands and doing things that just needed to be done that we had been putting off.  Nothing terribly fun but all terribly necessary.  It ended up being a pretty busy day.

I thought of this blog title as I was riding my bike in the wind this morning, and I have had the them song from Christopher Guest's A Might Wind stuck in my head all day.  It is a funny movie, but my favorites of his are Best in Show and Waiting for Guffman.  I caught Best in Show on TV recently but have not seen Waiting for Guffman in ages.  I have got to find it now.  It is so funny, and Parker Posey is genius in that movie.  I could annoyingly quote lines from both of those movies for a long time.

I also found myself giggling over a David Sedaris short story today, but that deserves its own post if I decided to "go there."  It is a hilarious story but probably offensive to most people.

I am starting to work on some plans for Henry's 4th birthday!  It is right around the corner, and I can't believe it.  He's been talking about his birthday wish list since Christmas it seems so part of me will be glad for the day to finally be here.  I went to a store today called If It's Paper to find some red envelopes and was successful.  If It's Paper does not hold a candle to my beloved Papersource, but it does the job.  There is no Papersource here so I am forced to the internet or another local store.

My high school religion teacher used to joke that he was going to open a store called If It's Papal where he would sell paper replicas of Papal vestments.  I can't imagine that there would be much of  a demand for paper Papal vestments in Greenville, SC or anywhere really, but it is a funny idea.  Every time I drive by If It's Paper, I think about the mythical If It's Papal.  That teacher had (and I assume still has) a very quirky sense of humor, and I certainly appreciate quirky.

This may be my most random blog post yet, but I am feeling silly and kind of random. At least I am not mopey or angsty like earlier in the week.

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