Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 61 - Brace

As I brace myself for tomorrow's appointment and subsequent treatment, I can't help but be excited about reaching the half-way point in my chemo treatment.  A month and a half ago, that milestone seemed to be an eternity away, and I will reach it at around 1pm tomorrow (depending on how far behind things run in the morning).  I will be very happy to put the AC chemo behind me even though things have responded very well to the treatment.  I can't complain too much about it because it is killing the cancer in my body, but some gripes about the side effects are to be expected.  I am only human.

It's kind of funny.  I go into these appointments full of energy and borderline excited to see how much progress I've made since the last appointment.  I am usually full of smiles and jokes (some of that is from nervous energy). Maybe that is strange. Maybe I should tone it down a little bit, but I'm not a very toned down person. Once I leave each time, the reality of what I will be facing over the next several days usually hits, and it knocks me down a few pegs (a few..not a ton).

I have a very long list of questions for my doctor tomorrow.  Poor guy..maybe I should book a double appointment with him each time.  One of the many things that I like about my doctor is that he is very patient and always willing to discuss any questions or concerns with me at any time.  It is probably why he is always running behind.  I imagine that he is like that with all of his patients, and I can wait if it means that someone else is getting the care and attention that he or she needs. I also like that he has a sense of humor and is not afraid to make fun of my neuroses a little bit.  It makes me laugh, and I don't know many that are able to laugh while seeing an oncologist.  Those two don't seem to mix a lot of times, but I am glad that they do for me.

I felt very well today and got a ton done at work.  This next week/week and a half is going to be crucial for my upcoming event, and there is much to be done.  I know that I will be doing a lot of it under the cloud of chemo later this week, but that is ok.  I've worked hard after previous treatments and will do so after this one.  I will say that after the April event is over, I will likely take a few more sick hours that I have been surrounding each chemo session.  I may not have a choice, actually, because I may be asleep during the last 4 chemos due to the IV bag of Benadryl that I am slated to get before each treatment.  Goodness.  Benadryl. 

Henry and I snuggled and played after Mike picked him up from school tonight, and I went to the gym for an 8pm class.  I like going on the nights before chemo because I feel well, and it helps me get out some nervous energy before my treatment.  I worked out hard, and it felt very good even though I got pretty winded at some points.  I hope that I can go more regularly as I progress to the next type of chemo.

It was a good day, and I am as ready as I can be for tomorrow.

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