Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Day 126 - Visualization

In the chemo home stretch, I have been incorporating some visualization techniques into each day.  I will take a few minutes at a time to close my eyes and picture the chemo killing the cancer cells in my body.  I see it rushing to the tumor site, totally enveloping it and killing it. I know that it sounds a bit off of the reservation, but I am trying anything at this point.  I am mostly still on the reservation.  Mostly...

The mind is a powerful thing so why not try to harness it.  

I've also been delving into the world of essential oils a little bit.  Almost immediately after I was diagnosed, a friend who is a Young Living distributor sent me a care package with some oils in it. And by immediately, I mean that I told her about my diagnosis and had a package on my doorstep within 2 days.  I am using the oils to help with general well-being and my medical team is aware of my using them.  I signed up as a member so that I can order more so let me know if you want anything oily and smelly...such a good promo, huh?  I am just learning but have enjoyed them so far.

There are also some dietary supplements that I intend to take after I am finished with chemo (and as long as my radiation oncologist is ok with them).  There is conflicting evidence about supplements and TNBC, but tumeric/curcumin and rose hips all have show effectiveness against TNBC in certain settings.  My doctor prefers that I wait until after chemo to start taking those to avoid any potential interactions, and I am ok with that.

Additional evidence shows that taking a low dose of asprin can help avoid recurrence so that is something that I will also be researching.  I am curious to know if asprin reduces inflammation which reduces the risk or if there is something in the asprin that specifically reduces the risk.  If risk reduction is due to reduced inflammation, I'd prefer to go about that with diet than aspirin.

And finally, I am going to also be working hard to lower my BMI.  Being at a healthier weight has shown to lower the risk for recurrence.  That is something that is on my mind right now (and I try to keep it somewhat under control) but is not top priority.  That will change soon though as it is something that I can easily control WITH some good old fashioned self-control.

Henry had a follow up doc appt this morning and was put in another hard cast. He chose blue for this round, and the doctor feels like he will be able to be out of the cast in 2 weeks.  The swelling in his elbow is almost entirely gone, but Henry did have some tenderness when the doc was feeling the area so back in the cast he goes.  It is safe to say that the novelty of the cast has worn off for Mike and me, but Henry is still really into it.  I'm ready for us to be able to spend time at the beach and pool, and it seems like that will be able to happen soon. 

I picked Henry up tonight, and we were walking out with a little girl in his class and her mom.  The girl looks at her mom and says "why does Henry's mommy not have any hair?"  Her poor mother looked like she wanted to melt into the parking lot.  I felt badly for her.  I told the mom that I would answer and looked at the girl and delivered my standard party line that I have to take some medicine that makes my hair fall out.  Does the trick every time.

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