Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Day 133 - More Fun

I took another afternoon off to spend time with Franklin, Mike and Henry.  We took Franklin's boat out this afternoon.  It is SO HOT here, but the breeze out on the water makes it manageable.

We fished for a little while and caught 2 small fish and one very small shark. Henry was delighted and even held the shark. I snapped a pic, but it did not turn out too great. I'll have to take another look to see if it is share-able.  We tried to find another fishing spot after the first one didn't produce much, but to find a new spot, we had to go into the ocean, and it was way too rough so we turned back.  4 foot waves were not really what we were going for.

We took the boat over to an area called Shem Creek, docked it and had an early dinner.  It is so nice to arrive at dinner by boat.

I wouldn't normally take two half days in a row like that, but it just worked out that way this week, and I am glad that I did it.  The PCIA events department is still standing, and I enjoyed some time off that was not related to cancer treatment.  Win all around.

Crazy alert - I am way more bothered by losing my eyelashes than by losing the hair on my head.  I feel like not having eyelashes makes me look "more sick."  I know, loony tunes, but I miss my lashes.  Mike reassured me that my eyelashes are not really impacting my current look.  Oh well.  They, too, will return one fine day.

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